Sunday, April 8, 2012

Another Morning At Rondeau

I thought of some other options for today, but instead just went down to Rondeau Park again.  It was warmer today, as the wind had switched and not surprisingly several birds had come in.  Notably was an increase in Yellow-rumped Warblers.  Perhaps we saw or heard about 20 at the locations we birded.
Right from the start we had a Pine Warbler and a few Yellow-rumped Warblers on south point trail.  Later on we heard another Pine Warbler at the north end of the park.
Several Purple Finches were around today.  It appears that some Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers continued their journey, but a few were still around.
After birding the park, I checked a couple of spots including the pond at the corner of Bisnett and Erieau Rd.  I t was crawling with shorebirds, but only one species!  115 Pectoral Sandpipers.  I just got an email from Ian Richards that he had 13 American Golden Plovers and a Semipalmated Sandpiper there yesterday.  Seems exceptionally early for the semi-sand!!

At Blenheim Lagoons, the lazy Snowy Owl was still present.

In the sprinkler cells, just under 100 shorebirds were present including about 70 Pectoral.  Dunlin and both yellowlegs were also in the mix.

There were hundreds of Ruddy Ducks among others.  Also many Tree Swallows and one Barn Swallow that I could find.

I just got a report from Jim Burk that a Black-and-White Warbler was in the Burk yard this afternoon.  Early for one.
Palm Warblers are showing up at Pelee and Sarnia.
So things are starting to happen!

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