Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More on Some Stuff: Mountain Bluebird

Since nobody wants to 'comment', I will make some more comments!  Going out on a limb, I am now convinced that the Shetland Mountain Bluebird is a young male.  I guess here in Ontario we do not have enough experience with that species as a whole, so many would not know the difference.
As I mentioned a couple of times before, after I viewed the bird and looked at photos, I had a difficult time calling this a typical adult female Mountain Bluebird.  Many others wondered about it too.
Today I found some more photos on the internet, and assuming they are correctly labelled as immature male, they look like our bird.  See the following links (scroll down on the first one):
Bluebird 1

Bluebird 2

Just today, I received some more information from Allen Woodliffe who asked Dick Cannings out in BC about the bird. Here is a direct portion of Dick's email:
This definitely looks too blue for a female Mountain, and the pattern suggests moulting to an all-blue plumage, so I’d say it was a young male. There also seems to be a hint of the juvenal spotted plumage retained on the breast, but maybe that’s my imagination. The intense blue colour seems too pale for a Western and spot on for a Mountain, but I don’t have enough experience with Eastern to say anything on those lines, though I assume the latter (like Western) would show some orangey colour on the breast at this stage.

Thanks to Allen Woodliffe for providing this!

In Pyle (1992), HY/SY (hatch year/second year) (Sept.-Aug.) males have body plumage bluish to mixed brown and blue, etc...

So, I would think by now our bird may be showing more signs of blue.  Hopefully someone will go and look soon!


  1. I must admit, I was really surprised when I first saw the pics of this bird. But wondered if the first photogrpahers had done some "photoshop work" and made the bird super-blue.

    Then when we knew that it really looked like this, I wasn't really sure what to make of it, and never did the proper research etc.

    Thanks for sharing this info Blake!

  2. I agree 100%. When I first saw it I thought it looked too blue for a female. But I didn't want to call it a male, so I just referred to it as the "Mountain Bluebird" and left it at that.

  3. http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=222547
