Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Few Geese and a Killdeer!

Here is today's report!

There was nothing in particular to go and check out today.  It has been dead as a doornail around Wallaceburg lately, so I just headed down to Rondeau.  Not quite dead there, but very slow with regards to birds!  The gale force winds (again!) did not help.
I started in the Rondeau campground and saw virtually nothing except the wintering Purple Finches and a few Juncos.  Next stop was the visitor centre.  Once again very quiet except a couple of White-winged Crossbills flying over.  Driving down Lakeshore, I met Steve and Jim who had just gotten their weekly exercise on south point trail.  We had to remind ourselves what we were here for....oh yes.....birds.
Heading back up Lakeshore, I spotted a small flock of sparrows two of which were Field.  Little else!

I drove around a bit and headed to Shrewsbury dock.  This seemed to be the best spot of the day with lots of waterfowl and gulls to observe.  Upon arrival, the first Killdeer of the season flew over.  Steve and Jim had a couple later at Erieau.  These are the FIRST shorebirds of 2012 in the Rondeau birding area!  Seems strange with the mild winter since last year in that harsh winter, we had Snipe and Woodcock in January as well as Killdeer.
Many Gadwall were visible from here as well.  Looks like many came in this week.

Among the geese I saw a probable Cackling flying over the Bay.  On my way back through here, I spotted a Snow Goose on the distant shore.
Erieau was not too active, but about 75 Bonaparte's Gulls were swirling around.
I walked part of McGeachy dike and only saw one Song Sparrow.

Ruddy Ducks at Erieau

I headed east on Talbot Trail well past Broken Scope Road and beyond.  I stopped at Clear Creek Forest for a bit of a walk.  In an old quarry pond, a pair of Hooded Mergansers was present, but took off.
Hooded Mergs in a squall

I came back through Ridgetown and noted hundreds of geese at the lagoons.  Among them were 10 Snow Geese (3 Blue) plus another that looked part blue morph.  It must have been a hybrid of sorts.  Too far for photos though.
A few ducks were in including a Northern Pintail among Mallards and a few Redhead.

7 Snow Geese at Ridgetown

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