Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tip Birding

Windswept Tip

One of the most interesting spots to watch birds this time of year is Point Pelee's Tip.  If you get the right wind it can be exciting.  Of course the birds need to co-operate as well.  The wind was very strong from the NNW--it was supposed to W or even WSW, but you do not know until you get there.  Not the most ideal wind for the Tip.
Getting there was a bit delayed as the gate attendant was late yet again.  Seems to be quite regular lately!

I met Alan, Marianne and Kevin for a Tip watch.  Steve Pike also came along and had fun with a ridiculously tame Sanderling.

This Sanderling was right up close along the beach and walking among the rocks.

Nothing special showed up but there were lots of Bonaparte's Gulls.  A few Horned Grebes and a few species of ducks went by.
A few Tree Swallows showed up as well as a couple of Chimney Swifts.  In the falcon department, there were at least two Peregrines and 3 or 4 Merlins.

Land birds were scarce and hunkered down.  I did see a few Yellow-rumped Warblers and one Black-and-White and 2 Black-throated Blues among other things.

I stopped at Wheatley on the way home and noticed about 200 Tree Swallows around the mouth of the harbour.  Two Great Egrets were in Muddy Creek.
I also checked Tilbury and along the Thames and out in the old Dover Township, but came up empty.

Nutty Photographer

Things have been slow lately with little in the way of northern birds.  Little in the way of Pipits, Horned Larks, ducks and other things.  No Sabine's Gull for Point Pelee yet this fall, nor Red Phalarope (?).

BTW, Kevin McLaughlin had a Dickcissel yesterday near the Tip, and a Long-tailed Jaeger a couple of days ago.
Baby Waterspout

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like I didn't miss much after I left. I think I'm going to go for round 3 tomorrow morning...If it is northwest again I'm gonna
