Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another Tip.....Watch

The tip is, do not believe weather forecasts.  They are consistently wrong!  Well, it was close today.  The wind was supposed to be out of the SW at 45 km/h for Point Pelee.  It was not quite that strong and more to the west.  We tried anyway.

I met the usual crew down there plus Josh Vandermeulen (hope I spelled it right!).  Lots of gulls including the usual four species plus Lesser Black-backed.  More ducks today as well.  I guess the best bird was a flyby Red-necked Phalarope (still no Red!).
More passerines were in the woods today. I did not spend much time looking, but most were Yellow-rumped plus Palm, Black-throated Blue and Nashville.
I stopped at Wheatley on the way out and looked at gulls.  Two Lesser black-backed there.  One was an adult.

I also decided to head up to Comber to check out the muddy field with shorebirds.  As usual, things are constantly changing there.  Totally different from Josh's list yesterday.  Lighting was terrible plus the peeps were working amongst the mud clumps.
Kevin McLaughlin was there when I arrived.  Best viewing is to go to the back of the AGRIS property (they do not mind) and walk into the field.  It was quite muddy today because of the rain.  Apparently this field is flooded just from rainwater.
If I remember numbers correctly, there were 11 Hudsonian Godwits, 14 Long-billed Dowitchers and 8 Stilt Sandpipers.  (or a combination thereof)  Several other species were present, but I could not pick out a Western Sandpiper.  It could have been there, just not very visible.  Pipits were flying over as well.

I noticed several shorebirds with sore, broken or bad legs!  Not unusual.  One Hudsonian, or Hudwit as some call them, had a bad leg.  Just wondering, do we call a Marbled Godwit a "Marwit"?

There was not really anything to photograph today.  On the way home I found a nice Great Blue Heron along Belle Rose Line.


  1. Blake, maybe the shorebirds have leg injuries from standing on one leg to long? (jk). I might try to make it out for a morning tip-watch one of these weekends. -DM

  2. Blake - you spelled my name correctly! Nice counts at Comber - its amazing how quickly the shorebird situation can change. It definitely seems like a good place to check daily.
    Was good seeing you at the tip this morning.

  3. I've heard that if you want to know what the weather will be like at the tip, you have to look at the Ohio forecast. Anyway, we always ignore the forecast and just go. Often we drive through the same weather system until the last mile or two, at which point we exit that weather system and enter another one...usually better.
