Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stick Together!

Gray Catbird

As I expected, there was only a fraction of the birds from yesterday.  It was a clear night and many birds took advantage.  I met Jim Burk at Rondeau Park for some birding at first light.
There were still lots of birds to look at.  There seemed to be more Pine Siskins and Purple Finches flying around.  The only different warbler from yesterday was a Black-throated Green, but we only saw Yellow-rumped, Nashville and Orange-crowned today.  Perhaps 4 O-C's.

Different birds from yesterday included a juv Red-headed Woodpecker and 2 Indigo Buntings.  The latest I have seen IB's at Rondeau is October 24, so getting late!

We split up after the park and I went to Erieau, while Jim went to Blenheim Lagoons.  As Jim walked up the bank, he caught sight of a juv Sabine's Gull!  He said it flew off right away though.Yah right!! Heard that before.... After a cell phone call, I arrived within ten minutes, but it was nowhere to be found.  Others arrived and we watched for over an hour to no avail. As it often happens, when you split up, your friend will see something good.
This will be only the second Rondeau area record.  One was seen off Erie Beach 15 Nov 2007 by S. R. Charbonneau.
Bonaparte's Gulls were hap-hazard all over the place flying in every direction and many on the lagoons. However, not as many as yesterday.  There were far fewer Ruddy Ducks as well.
Several hawks went over including an immature Bald Eagle and an Osprey.
The Red-necked Phalarope was still present.  Perhaps it will mimic the Wilson's from a year ago and stay a while!?!  The latest Red-necked date for the Rondeau area is 28 Oct 1966 by Keith Burk.
In other news, a Dickcissel was observed at Charing Cross yesterday by Dale Wurker.  A late Yellow-billed Cuckoo was on Rondeau's SPT yesterday just after I left!

Some butterflies were out today.  Lots of Buckeye with the deep red undersides.

Monarchs, Eastern Commas, both sulphurs and a lady species at the lagoons.  Likely an American Lady, as I had one at Port Lambton this afternoon.

Also at Port Lambton was Red Admiral and a rather late female Fiery Skipper (latest I have seen one).

Cave Swallows next weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend on a whole Blake! No Sabine's Gulls here at all this weekend....or for the fall yet which is kind of unbelievable. I may see you on Sunday, though I might have to leave early yet again.
