Saturday, October 29, 2011

Birding Today

A rather slow day for birding around Rondeau today.  The last couple of days have seen considerably few birds around here.  Weather turned out decent most of the day as the weather forecast fooled us yet again.
I checked out Rondeau first thing and noted a large number of Ruby-crowned Kinglets.  They were in bunches.    Hardly any sparrows as compared to a week ago.  The most common one seemed to be Field!  All the White-throated Sparrows have left save for a few, and I never saw a White-crowned today.
Warblers included singletons of Blackpoll, Orange-crowned and Nashville plus scattered Yellow-rumped.  Only a couple of Blue-headed Vireos today.  Still lots of Pine Siskins flying around.

The lake was fairly active for a change.  Hundreds of Red-breasted Mergansers flew by.  Quite a few Common Loons were moving as well as Horned Grebes.

A couple groups of Sanderlings went by south point.

At Erieau's Marsh Trail (aka R/R tracks), I found a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher among kinglets and Yellow-rumps.

At Blenheim Lagoons a fair number of birds were in.  Most were Ruddy Ducks again, but lots of Bonaparte's Gulls.  In fact there seems to be more hanging out there than on the lake!  No sign of the Red-necked Phalarope, as it would have been record late by now.

Shorebirds included a late Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpiper (with bad leg), 2 Dunlin and both Yellowlegs.

I caught sight of a kettle of buteos--all being Red-tailed except for one Red-shouldered within.
American Pipits were in small numbers every place.

Butterflies included a single Buckeye and several sulphurs (both species).  Also a single damselfly.

I decided to check Ridgetown Lagoons for a change (have not been there in many weeks!).  Water is high, but lots of Canada Geese as usual.  Surprisingly, no Cackling as this is a reliable spot for them.
Fringed Earthstar

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