Not much was on South Point Trail, but just out of the car, I was greeted by two or three American Robins. I heard at least one there last week, so they may be sticking around.
I also heard a Screech Owl, even though it was quite light out. It was a dull day to start, so that may have had something to do with it.
Approaching the light beacon, I heard a warbler chipping, much like a Yellow-rumped. I was not convinced though. I did eventually see the bird, but the lighting was so bad, I only could make out a silouhette. The bird then flew quickly a long distance and I could not relocate it despite trying.
Ironically, I heard the same sound a week ago not far from that location. I was not convinced then either! I can only speculate as to what it may have been.
At the south end of Harrison trail, I came across a pair of Hermit Thrushes.
Next stop was the campground.

Some decent birds were there, including two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. It was no good for photography, so what you see is what you get.
Around the middle of the campground, there was a good group of birds including several Fox Sparrows, a White-throated Sparrow, at least six Yellow-rumped (all "Myrtle"), a couple of Creepers and a few Golden-crowned Kinglets. As well, White-breasted Nuthatches and Cardinals. I also heard a Ficker at one point.
Some Purple Finches were heard.
A large flock of sparrows was at the Trailer Sanitation Depot, but I did not see any Chipping or Fields. One Fox Sparrow was there as well.
At the Blenheim Lagoons, there was a huge number of Ring-billed Gulls (~600?), but I did not see anything that stuck out.
No shorebirds.

The only shorebirds were ~300 Dunlin along Rondeau Bay at the Erieau RR Track Trail.
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