Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Day of July Butterflies

It was a nice day, so I took advantage of the weather and checked for some butterflies north of Wallaceburg. A good number were flying for a change!
Firstly, I found some Dion Skippers in the sedge area. There were two or three males flying around. They kept flying in circles for the longest time, but finally a couple settled down for photos.

Other skippers included Dun, Northern Broken-Dash and Broad-winged.

Dun Skipper (?)

Broad-winged Skippers have finally come out in numbers. There were several in the low area of reeds.
Broad-winged Skipper

Common Wood-Nymphs were still quite numerous, but getting faded. This one was much larger than the others I have been seeing.

Some Banded Hairstreaks were still around, but getting faded.

Banded Hairstreak

I then decided to go up to McKeough CA and check for dragonflies. I immediately found three Flag-tailed Spinylegs along the water's edge.
Flag-tailed Spinyleg

Eastern Pondhawks were out two, and this female was patrolling the lilypads. A male was nearby and I observed them mating as well.

An Amberwing was at this location too.

Male and female Widow Skimmers were flying about. This male posed for a photo.

While watching for these dragonflies, a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew overhead. It likely nested in the area, as I see them along the floodway every summer.


  1. Blake, I'm curious..What kind of camera do you have?

  2. It is just a Canon Rebel XT. I use the 300mm lens all the time. Never seem to use the smaller lens! I can focus on smaller objects such as insects from a distance without disturbing them.
