Monday, August 5, 2024

Touring Around and More Zabulon Skippers!

 Saturday I did some touring around in south Chatham-Kent checking out Blenheim lagoons, Keith McLean C. L. and Ridgetown lagoons.  Nothing new, but one has to keep trying for something different!

Yellowlegs of the Lesser type

Least Sandpiper

I stopped by Thamesville on the way home to check things out along the river.  As expected, the river was running way too high with all the excessive rain.  Hopefully this rain lets up!  Later this month I like to check for Smokey Rubyspots along the Thames.  There is little shoreline and it is very dangerous along the riverbank right now.

There were a few American Rubyspots evident this day.

In the afternoon, I went for a walk at Reid CA.  The Zabulon Skipper was still in the same spot!  I walked a little farther and saw the same thing.  But wait, it was a second one!

It was  another male exhibiting the same behaviour.  According to the literature, these males perch in openings waiting for females.  Once they find a good spot, they remain there.  Hopefully some females arrive.  One must think there are more in the province, other than the ones in Essex County.  Maybe females arrive a touch later?

I briefly checked the riverbank at McKeough as well.  A single Flag-tailed Spinyleg was patrolling the area.

The "flag-tailed" name come from the large club and has a flattened look when one observed from above.  Sort of looks like a flag.

Sunday, I had the notion to check out Perch Creek Habitat east of Sarnia.  Big mistake!!  It was unbearable with mosquitoes.  I can easily say it is the worst I have ever experienced.  Even with a good dose of repellent (which I hate doing), it was useless.

I had to do something, so headed back towards home and walked a bit at McKeough.  Not much was happening there.  I thought perhaps I might encounter another Zabulon, but no.

Another Flag-tailed Spinyleg


I then stopped briefly at Reid where Mark and Roberta Buchanan were looking at the Zabulon Skippers.  The skippers were still in the exact same spot, optimistic that females would appear!  Occasionally, they would some together and chase each other, obviously defending territory.

Today was threatening rain, so I was not able to do what I wanted in the morning.  I stopped by Wardsville Woods for a  walk.  I did not expect much, and there was certainly not much.

A few Common Ringlets popped up along the trail as I headed to the back.

Beside the back pond, I found something of interest............another Zabulon Skipper no less!

At one point, I saw something zip by at the corner of my eye, and immediately for whatever reason I thought Zabulon Skipper.  Based on what I observed at Reid, I knew I had to look for it perched at or above eye level on a leaf.  Sure enough, I found it!

No doubt this is a first for Middlesex County.  It is quite obvious that there is some sort of invasion going on, so be on the lookout!

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