Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Another Zabulon! And, Jaegers Are On The Move!

 Sunday, I wandered aimlessly and ended up at Sarnia for a short lakewatch.  Some call it the Point Edward lighthouse, but it really within the city of Sarnia (and there is no lighthouse there!).  The strip of land along to the mouth of the lake north of the old railway is part of Sarnia.  Just so you know!

The was a stiff north wind, but nothing much showed.  It was apparently much better at Kettle Point with stronger winds.  A few jaegers were seen!  It is expected to see Long-tailed this time of year, and Parasitic are appearing as well.

Later, I got a couple walks in before the afternoon rain (which we did not need!).  The sun was briefly out by the time I got to Wilkesport, so walked the Nicholl's forest and wetland.  Just after I started out, something caught my eye which I knew had to be a Zabulon Skipper.  Sure enough, another male!

So, this is another new location for the creature.  No doubt there are a lot more out there.

Other butterflies:

Silver-spotted Skipper

Common Wood-Nymph

Eastern Tailed-Blue

Monday, the north wind was even stiffer, so I headed up to Ipperwash Beach.  I was on my own there, but that was preferable this day anyway.

View from the lookout

Surprisingly, there was not much movement, and eventually it slowed down to virtually no birds.  However, I did see a total of three jaegers.  Two Long-tailed and a Parasitic, all too distant to even consider photos.

I then stopped by Kettle Point where there were several familiar birders.  They had better results with regards to jaegers, but eventually things shut down to nothing there as well.

I am not sure where the jaegers came from at that location.  My location at Ipperwash is not far away, and most things move south anyway.  I sure did not see many of their birds go by there!  Maybe the birds were WAY out at my location. Visibility was certainly excellent.

Today, I had little ambition, so checked out local areas.  A few warblers were at Mitchell's Bay to keep my interest.

The usual Green Heron was waiting for a meal.

In the yard, a Common Checkered-Skipper checked out the garden.

The afternoon was too pleasant to pass up a short walk at Reid CA.  It was nice for a change to not fight with mosquitoes!  The cool north wind was helpful in that regard.

No sign of the Zabulon's, but a Peck's Skipper briefly stopped.

Here is a creepy creature that caught my eye.

Acanthocephala terminalis

Better days ahead....I hope!

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