Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Winds of Lake Erie

 Spent some time lakewatching each day this weekend, as there were some stiff winds.  However, yet again it was in the non-productive category!  One always hopes for rarities or something of interest.....

Both Friday and Saturday lakewatches were at Rondeau's dog beach.  Saturday was a little more active, but basic birds only.  One of these days.....

Sunday, I needed a change in scenery so went to Point Pelee on a stiff SW wind.  I just cannot get the right day for a good lakewatch!  I am either at the wrong place (eg. on Lake Huron), or cannot get there on a good day.  Oh well.

Keith McLean C. L. was decent on Friday.  Lots of shorebirds, including the long-staying Long-billed Dowitcher.

Lots of White-rumped Sandpipers have been around this fall, and a few were still present on Friday.

Nelson's Sparrows are still around, but are good at eluding my camera lens.

Blenheim lagoons has dropped off for shorebirds in recent weeks, but a couple of late birds have been present.

This sandpiper was "spotted" this past Thursday, and was still there on Friday.

In the same area, this swallow was on the "bank" of the cell.

Saturday was a rather slow day at Rondeau, at least in the woods.  Lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers were around, plus a few others mixed in.  This Northern Parula was no doubt camera shy.

Colours are getting nice in the park.

Sunday, was good at Point Pelee for passerines, after the lakewatch.  De Laurier was hopping with birds along the back canal.

Some late things included Indigo Bunting, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Bay-breasted Warbler, Yellow Warbler, among others.  

Bay-breasted Warbler

Maybe a second Bay-breasted!

Yellow Warbler

I stood in one spot for an hour since it was so active!

After covering the park, I went over to Hillman Marsh, not expecting to see much.  Looked for some late butterflies, and a few Common Checkered-skippers were around the shorebird cell.

The surprise of the day popped up at the backside of the shorebird cell, a Harris's Sparrow!  Been a while since I have seen one, and certainly not on my self-found list till then.

I could not get a clear photo of it through the tree branches unfortunately.  Also, I was looking into the sun.

It appeared to stay in the area, as local birder Rick Mayos managed to find it some time later.

Speaking of winds on Lake Erie, I came across something of interest to boatnerds.  On October 20, 1916 a fierce wind blew across Lake Erie. It claimed at least three ships, one being the "whaleback" freighter James B. Colgate (built in 1892).  This event became known as the Black Friday Storm.

The gale-force winds were too much for the steamer, as water leaked through hatches, eventually causing the ship to founder off Long Point.  Only the captain survived, being found almost two days later in a raft.

What caught my interest, is that I have a few photos of the Colgate in my collection.  I do not know where they came from or who took them, but obviously they were taken at some point before this event.

1 comment:

  1. Blake
    Very cool photos of the Colgate. Not hard to imagine why it went down. It looks like a submarine in the last photo!
    Keep up the great blogging. Really enjoy your regular posts.
