Sunday, November 21, 2021

Another Novelty and More Meanderings

 Since the cat is out of the bag so to speak, I can add to Friday's sightings.  Indeed it was a decent day for birding, but the highlight was the viewing of a Rufous Hummingbird near Watford.  I had gotten word of this hummer late Tuesday, but it was being kept under the radar for the time being.

The bird was first observed November 9 by the homeowner but species was undetermined.  A Lambton birder noticed the photo on Facebook (as often these things are revealed) and it looked good for something other than a Ruby-throated.  It was not until November 16 that a detailed look was had, and it was determined to be an adult female Rufous.

This time of year, any hummingbird is likely something rare.  This one really came down to Rufous or Allen's, with Rufous being the more-likely since Allen's has not yet been confirmed in Ontario.

Late Friday morning I arrived at the location, and within fifteen minutes I saw the bird.  Here are some photos:

Seems there is an influx of Rufous Hummingbirds this fall in Ontario!  Every birder who is interested or able should have seen one by now.  Who knows how many were, or are out there this year.


Saturday it was down to Rondeau.  A stiff south wind was in the works, so we started at dog beach for a lakewatch.  Yet again, there was nothing much to note.  I still think a NE wind is best, but we have too many south winds anymore!

The campground has been interesting lately, and every day is different.  That is where we headed next.  Fox Sparrows are quite numerous right now and the camground has a few.  Some should stay into the winter.

The gnatcatcher is still in the same spot as last week!  (still there today as well).

The very north end seems to be the best, and birds were taking advantage of a puddle on the roadway.

The past week, Steve had a female Black-throated Blue Warbler at the north end, and today, Jim had the bizzare sighting of a Philadelphia Vireo!  One never knows what is lurking around the campground this time of year.  Hope something stays for the CBC next month.

Before we left the campground, I noticed some birds moving along the shoreline opposite the campground entrance.  We checked that out, and I spotted an Orange-crowned Warbler.  It was somewhat photogenic.

Today it was a toss-up, so I ended up at Point Pelee.  Would have been more productive if I headed north!  But, that is par for the course this year for me.

De Laurier was somewhat birdy.  I checked out Shuster trail as well.  Lots of Fox Sparrows at Pelee too.

I also wanted to check the Leamington Marina, as yesterday a California Gull made an appearance.  Unfortunately it did not show today, but could still be around.  Many gulls were out on the lake feeding this morning.

I have seen a California Gull at Pelee when I was lucky enough to see one land on the Tip 12 May 2015.

I checked out the Sage Thrasher spot on the way home, but it got rainy, as it usually does on Sunday. 

The thrasher has not been since November 18.  Perhaps it has moved on.

A number of birds were in one area along the trail, included lots of Cedar Waxwings.

 Tomorrow will be a nice sunny day now that the weekend is over!

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