Saturday, March 28, 2020

Wednesday Wanderings

This past Wednesday was one of the nicest days we have had this spring.  I walked in a few places where I had the place to myself.
I started off with a quick look at Roberta Stewart Wetland.  The water level is the highest I have ever seen it there,so no chance of shorebirds.
It was very calm as I looked towards Walpole Island.

I then headed over to Reid CA for a long walk through the woods.

It was actually quite nice, with many woodpeckers tapping away and few other birds moving through the woods.

Next walk was at McKeough CA where I walked west along the floodway then through a small woodlot which I had not been through in a long time.  I used to check this section quite often as it was within one of my squares during the last atlas.

The final walk was at Peers Wetland just outside of Wallaceburg.  I sat on a bench for some time watching some of the birds.  Some Tree Swallows arrived about a week ago, and Fox Sparrows have showed up this week as well.

With few places to walk anymore looking for birds, it will certainly be a different spring!

Reid Rock!

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