Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 3 Report

This morning I headed down to Rondeau Park for a bit of walking.  Thankfully the weather forecast was wrong yet again, as it was a calm and clear morning!

I went down to south point trail.  I had not been there since around New Year's.  There was not much in the way of birds of course, but some signs of spring included a number of Red-winged Blackbirds singing.

There was quite a bit of bird activity way out on the lake.  Some things I did pick out, was a flock of about 30 White-winged Scoters flying by.  There was a mix of other ducks and gulls too far out to get any detail.

I walked the campground as well. There was not too much bird activity.

Usually we have American Woodcocks and Killdeer by now, but I would expect it will be another week yet.  Things were more frozen than last week!

On the way out, I checked a bit of Rose Beach Line, where various sparrows were working the roadside scrapes.  Some Chipping and Field Sparrows wintered here, and I finally got a look at some today.

I worked my way over to Erieau, but there was little to see, so I went back up to Stefina Line.  Earlier I got word that a television T. V.  was beside the road.  It was taking advantage of a dead racoon in the pasture.  I had to take the photos looking through a wire fence.

Despite several attempts in the past, this was the first Turkey Vulture I had seen this calendar year.  Several have been wintering on the east side of Blenheim this year.  We have seen this a number of  times in the past as well.

The Wilson's Snipe was not visible in the never-frozen creek today.  It has been seen off and on all winter.  Every winter, as long as I can remember, there has been at least one snipe here!
Today, there was a lone American Tree Sparrow visible.

I was home by noon hour, so went out to Port Lambton to sit by the river.  Nothing new appeared, but one can only try!

Red-breasted Merganser

Common Merganser

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