Saturday, February 20, 2016

Today's Tour

With the nice and balmy weather today, I did quite a bit of touring around.  First destination was Point Pelee.  It was time to renew the park pass, and this year you get two years for the price of one!

Red-winged Blackbirds were on the move today and singing in various locations through the park.  I started at the visitor centre and walked out Shuster Trail.  Then I walked up through Tilden's and as far as the cemetery.  It was rather quiet for birds.  Just too nice I guess.
A Ruby-crowned Kinglet was the best bird of that walk.  It was actually the first I have seen this calendar year, as none seem to be around Rondeau (since late December).

Next stop was the Tip.  A few local birders and/or LLB's were at the Tip watching what went by on the strong south-west winds.

I joined up with Jeremy Bensette and Dan Greenham to walk De Laurier.  Not much to speak of with regards to birds there!  Lots of the wintering robins were around today.

Later, I did my usual walk at Hillman Marsh.  There was a little bit of open water in the shorebird cell and a number of ducks and geese were present.  Most were Mallards, but a number of Northern Pintail were present.  Many took off before I got a good luck.

Lighting was not the greatest that time of day so it was difficult to determine what all was present.  I looked at my photos here at home and picked out a pair of Northern Shoveler that I did not even notice before!

Also, the first Killdeer of the season was there.

Wheatley Harbour was not too exciting except for a brief Ian Woodfield sighting.  The only thing of note was a of one of the Coast Guard boats at Hike Metals!

I thought I would drive along the lake to Chatham-Kent, but ended up at Rondeau!  I just walked the campground finding the usual birds, including a Yellow-rumped Warbler.

I had heard that some Greater White-fronted Geese were at Ridgetown, so I had to go there.  Four were reported earlier in the day, but I found six in the south pond.  There could have been more on the dike for all I know.

It it getting to be late February, so spring is on the way (not that we really had a winter).

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