Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday Report

Sunrise at Bate's Marsh

Sunday I went back to Rondeau, but found out the birds from the previous day had departed!  It was rather quiet for birds and I did not even find a warbler, although undoubtedly a few Yellow-rumped were deep in the woods.
The lake was a little more active, but nothing of note was seen in the calm morning.

Along Lakeshore Road first thing, was this disoriented Tundra Swan.  Likely a health issue going on.

A few Tundras are lingering around.  Four were at Blenheim S.T.P. yesterday.

I did not stay at Rondeau too long and did quite a bit of driving around, to no avail.  Some good wet spots were just north of Erieau in the fields that held a large number of bonies.  Some Pectoral Sandpipers were seen...finally.

This morning was balmy and calm.  The St. Clair River was very smooth, until some ships came along!

Tim S. Dool

One thing of note was the number of Bufflehead on the river.  I watched at my lookout spot for about a half hour before work and there were upwards of 100 Bufflehead among a few other species.  Mike Bouman noted even more this morning, with perhaps 600 at Courtright!
Quite a few Long-tailed are still floating around as well.

Recently, a number of hybrid ducks have been seen on the St. Clair River.  This beauty was found by Mike Bouman.  Can you guess species involved?

This evening was too nice to stay in, so I checked out Peers Wetland near here.  A few birds migrants there, but no warblers yet.
I decided to check out Stewart Wetland as well.  Nothing special, but saw my first Rough-winged Swallow was associating with the numerous Tree Swallows.
I could hear Wilson's Snipe winnowing, but did not see them.  Perhaps they were along the Walpole shoreline.

I drove back home along Stewart Line, which turned out to be a good choice.  One field near the R/R tracks held hundreds of gulls and several yellowlegs (finally some yellowlegs!). I did not have  scope with me, so who knows what all was there in the more distant parts.
This field has many gulls, ducks, etc. each spring while it stays wet.

Now that we are in mid April and the warm weather is finally here, things will start happening soon!

the usual coltsfoot blooming beside the shop today

1 comment:

  1. That is a cool looking duck! Looks like it is a combination of Lesser Scaup and Ring-necked.
