Monday, February 3, 2014

Rondeau on Sunday

Headed down to Rondeau Park yesterday for a walk.  As I mentioned last week, lots of snow has piled up on the Bay side.

Store and Dock Area

While I was talking to Jim Burk, a single male Red-winged Blackbird flew over the store area.  Seemed out of place!

I walked through the campground but not too many birds were around.  Difficult to say how many have survived lately!  The four Eastern Bluebirds were nice to see, but did not co-operate for photos.

Find the bluebirds

No warblers or sapsuckers seen.
The towhee was alive and well at the VC feeder.  Quite a few American Tree Sparrows were there.  The birds were very skittish for some reason so I could not get any photos.
Lots of Bald Eagles have been around especially towards the north end of the park.  Perhaps up to ten or more.  I only counted six, but those were very far out.
East Beach?

I drove towards Blenheim and could see lots of Canada Geese and Tundra Swans.  There were several hundred geese and over 50 Tundra Swans.  Not sure where they came from as that many were not around previously.  Could not get close though, but nothing else seemed to be with them.
Turkey Vultures are still being seen around Mink Line.  Of course I did not see any!

Hairy Woodpecker

On another note, the local Snowy Owl has been quite visible each day.  I seem to see it first thing in the morning when I go to work, then again on another perch on my way home.  Late today I wish I had the big camera.  Lighting conditions were good.  (Yes, the weekend is over and the sun was out with not a cloud in the sky on this calm day).

"Whoooo are you?"

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