I headed towards Sarnia by mid afternoon, going along the river. There was a very strong WNW wind and an amazing amount of debris along the Ontario shoreline. Many ducks were on the Michigan side in the lee of the wind. However there was still lots to see.
First thing this morning, a good amount of gull and duck activity (Bald Eagle too) was off Port Lambton, but this afternoon one had to go farther up to see much. A large number of gulls was opposite Cathcart Park, but towards the other side of the river. A few Glaucous were included.
Off the old Terra plant, was quite a bit of action. Ducks and gulls. Notable were at least four Gadwall.
Behind me was a roaming flock of 125+ redpolls in the thistles.
Out front of LGS, was the most interesting spot. Hundreds of gulls were fighting for fish. Here I saw at least 15 Glaucous Gulls of various ages.
A pale Mallard along with Blacks and other Mallards was here too.
In the lee of Stag Island, there were lots of ducks, but since I did not have a scope (unplanned trip!), I could not look too closely.
I had some shopping to do, but just before it was getting too dark, I saw a mass of gulls off downtown Sarnia. A few Glaucous and Iceland were there, but it was too late to do much with them. Something for Sarnia birders to check this weekend!
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