Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snowy Saturday!

Headed down to Rondeau to get another look at that Robin at the park feeders.  It was there, and so was a scruffy dove.

As usual the weather forecast was wrong and we got way more snow than predicted.  It was almost like a blizzard at Rondeau and Erieau at times this morning. Hence, one could not see much.  (must be the weekend!).

Took a while for the White-winged Dove to pop up.  It was there all along, but hidden.  Feeders were active due to the unpredicted heavy snow.

I stopped at McArthur's feeding centre and many birds were busy in the blinding snow.  Several Common Redpolls were there along with a single Pine Siskin among others.  Photography was far less than ideal due to the unforeseen snow.

Crash the cat was watching birds too.  He did not look too happy due to the constant snow.
Crash through Glass

I worked my way over to Erieau, but with the blizzard-like conditions, not much to see.  Erieau is mostly ice now and only a couple of open pockets of water concentrated the few ducks and coots.
Coot Cram

Things were a little better inland, but the snow kept coming as I drove some back roads.  Lots of Horned Larks, Snow Buntings and a few Lapland Longspurs were quite visible.
One step at a Time

Looks like a better day on Sunday, but who knows (weather forecasts surely do not!).
That groundhog probably does a better job....

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