Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today's Outing-Spring is in the Air

It was a nice day, but not a lot of birds to look at (except Canada Geese and some ducks!). I headed down to Pelee as I had not been there much at all this winter (too busy on the St. Clair River!).  I renewed my gate pass at the discounted rate (good deal unlike the outrageous fees at provincial parks!).
Many Red-winged Blackbirds were singing especially along conc. D road.  A sign of spring.

Ring-necked Pheasant 

In the park, I arrived at the Tip lot and Jeremy and Marianne were just leaving (!).  Jeremy was heading to Brantford to catch a look at the Gray Partridge.  I was left with Richard Carr! We had a nice walk, but not much to be seen.  Even Shuster Trail was quiet except for a Winter Wren and possibly a Carolina Wren.
The south end of Hillman Marsh held lots of Canada Geese and a couple of Snow Geese, but no White-fronted.  Lots were seen yesterday apparently!

I headed back along the lake to Erieau.  Too much ice!  The channel was open though and held lots of Canada Geese and some ducks.  A couple of smaller geese were in there too, but not sure I would call them Cacklers.
Geese at Erieau

I walked the R/R track trail to the stand.  Only a few Tree Sparrows and Song Sparrows.
That was enough.
Chickadee in Flight

Song Sparrow

Just finished compiling my Little Gull records for the Rondeau area.  More than I thought!  Chip Weseloh is going to some sort of article on Little Gulls, so I will pass on any that I know.  Allen Woodliffe is getting all of them in one document.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Blake, it was good to see you yesterday, though for too brief a time! I think that's the shortest amount of time I've ever visited Point Pelee for. Glad you had some decent birds...I'm going to head out this afternoon to check out Hillman I think.
