Thursday, November 22, 2012

Leapin' Leps!

Just a filler post tonight.  The daylight is just too short lately and work all week leaves virtually no time to get out!
This year was phenomenal for butterflies starting with record early things such as Spring Azure, the insane Red Admiral invasion in late April, influx of rarities such as Dainty Sulphur, Sachem, White-M Hairstreaks, etc.
Lots of photos taken this can name them!

(not at Point Pelee, LOL)


  1. Beautiful photos! I was barely out this summer so I missed out on a lot. I didn't even get Sachem! At least I saw Dainty Sulphur and Sleepy Orange :)

  2. Not really a test, but I will name them later!
    I never got Sleepy Orange, but I was at Pelee the first day they were seen (unknowingly!).
