Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today's Report

Not as exciting as yesterday, but I checked the usual spots today.  A family of five Belted Kingfishers was at Stewart Wetland this morning.  I could only get three in one photo.

The Dickcissel was singing farther back today.  Karl Overman was there around noon and saw it.  He also reported 2 Common Mergansers off Port Lambton in the St. Clair River.  I haven't seen a merganser of any type for some time there!  All in the timing, as usual.  Occasionally some do show up in early summer but more likely Red-breasted.  We did find Common Merganser at Walpole back in June 2005.
Great-crested Flycatcher at Brander Park (a pair there)

Checked for some butterflies after work.  Hairstreaks were low in numbers.  More Edwards', than anything.

Finally got a decent photo of a Dukes' Skipper even though it was in the shade.  Unlike previous years, the Dukes' appears to be out in good numbers this year.

Delaware Skippers are numerous.  I like these bright orange skippers.  You will not find them within Point Pelee, but if you do report one you will be in trouble. LOL!