Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rondeau Butterfly Count

Tulip Tree Silk Moth to start the day!

Today was the Rondeau butterfly count which first started in 1999.  I have done every year except 2000 (other obligations!), and have always done the south portion of the park (aka South Point Trail).  Every year is different, but we average about 22 species.  Today we had 22 species!
Since it is a poor immigrant year and the spring was cold and damp, overall numbers were low.  Highlight was 3 Edwards' Hairstreaks, as we previously only had one in 2006 (new for the count).  Two Banded in the same spot were the only other hairstreaks.
Edwards' Hairstreak

Banded Hairstreak

We had a new high of 26 Tiger Swallowtails.

Spicebush Swallowtail numbered 5, which was better than a high of 1 previously!  Although I remember lots in 1999 when I did not keep numbers.
We missed Great Spangled Fritillary for the first time ever.
A new low of 1 Question Mark rounded out the anglewings.

In the skipper family, we had 26 Silver-spotted which was a new high beating the 6 in 2003!
Northern Broken-Dash was in good supply with 26, beating  19 in 2001.

Delaware Skippers (this is not Point Pelee N. P.!) were all over as we found 17, crushing the previous total of 6 in 2008.

Monarchs have been scarce this year.  Today we had only 5.

baby Map Turtle!

I did not hear all of the results of other groups, but numbers were low.  Marsh Trail had 22 species with many  Mulberry Wing and Broad-winged Skippers.

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