Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Yard Mammal

It was Yard Sale day, but the most exciting thing was the appearance of a Chipmunk.  I have lived in Wallaceburg all my life and have never seen a Chipmunk in Wallaceburg, let alone just outside town!  Probably lack of woodlots has something to do with it.  I did see one a few years ago several km east of Wallaceburg, but this was a pleasant surprise today.  Photos taken quickly through glass:

In other notes, many Great Blue Herons are hanging about in Stewart Wetland.  Up to 13 on Friday.  They have been around several weeks.  About the only other thing there is a family of Mute Swans.  No ducks or grebes this year likely due to the swans.  It amazes me that so many people are naive about Mute Swans and how aggressive they are.  People are continually saying how beautiful and nice they are.  On today's Weather Network photos there is one of a pair of Mute Swans with caption:  "Two swans are better than one".  I think NOT!   There is an epidemic around the St. Clair delta of Mute Swans.  Something should be done soon!

1 comment:

  1. I sure wouldn't mind seeing less swans! I'm with you 100%!
