Sunday, April 24, 2011

It is Starting

The spring rush is just beginning.  Some good birds are being reported.
Today started out miserable again--rain and cold temps.  A far cry from yesterday.  It is now quite nice, but starting at Rondeau this morning was depressing.  Not a good day for photography.
The only thing new were two Pine Warblers on South Point Trail.
Just after seeing absolutely nothing on Tulip Tree Trail, I got a call from Irene about a Neotropic Cormorant at Wheatley.  Having nothing to lose, I headed over there with Jim Burk in about 40 minutes and saw it right away.
I missed the last one there due to my usual bad luck, so it was nice to get a life bird for a change.

I headed into Pelee for a bit and picked up (new for the year) a Great-crested Flycatcher on west beach trail.  A Palm Warbler was at West Beach parking lot, also new for the year.

There were birds all the way to the Tip, but not many.  I thought I heard a Worm-eating Warbler at one point, but it only sang once.  I waited but never heard it again nor saw it.
I came across Brandon Holden (finder of the Neotropic Cormorant) and we walked back the west beach trail.  Nothing of note on the way back.
I also checked out the Willets near Hillman Marsh.  Too far away for me to determine if they were really the Western type.
A snowy Egret was also reported at Pelee.  All I found were some Great Egrets.  Two, here in a field were with a Great Blue Heron.  One egret appeared to be a tad smaller.

Lots of wet spots in fields, but the birds are just not here in numbers yet.  Some yellowlegs and Dunlin were near Wallaceburg.

Not a stellar day for photography!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the NC! I was at Muddy Creek on Saturday and scanned the water from the bridge. Of course, didn't see a single bird...
