Saturday, March 13, 2010


Marsh Tower at Rondeau

As I always like to get out on the weekends (since I work all week), today was no exception. However, what is with this ridiculous weather? It must be spring. It seems the weather is decent during the week, but come Friday, the clouds roll in, temperature drops and the winds pick up. Add to that, the rain. What's new?
I went to Rondeau anyway. Of course there was not much to see while one got soaked in gale force winds.
Song Sparrows have certainly come through in numbers. They were eveywhere. Other than Tree Sparrows, I am not sure what else was around for landbirds. Well, lots of blackbirds anyway.
The ducks are building up in numbers on the Bay.
Walking out Marsh Trail would have been bearable (lee side) except there is still lots of snow. Some drifts are very deep.

Marsh Trail

At Erieau, all three merganser species were present. Only a single Bonaparte's Gull was flying with Ring-billed Gulls. A couple of Coots left over from the winter were in the marina. Some did not make it through the winter.
As I arrived back home in early afternoon, I decided to check out the St. Clair River. About 50 Long-tailed Ducks were near Seager Park--a spot I like to sit for a while. They float downriver for a bit, then fly back upriver and repeat the procedure.
At Cathcart Park, some mergansers were in the canal. A pair each of Hooded and Common. Too bad there was not a Red-breasted pair for a complete set! Some were in the river though.

Cathcart Park is a good spot to look at waterfowl during the winter. It is popular park that has been there for a long time. It was actually a Provincial Park originally. The outlet of Clay Creek is here. The landscape has changed over the years. I found a post card in my collection (photo taken by Louis Pesha--a famous photographer whom I may write about at a later date) at Clay Creek. Pesha died October 1, 1912 so this scene is about 100 years ago.

Clay Creek c. 1910

This is the same spot today with shoreline "hardened":

1 comment:

  1. Blake, great before and after photo for Clay Creek. Thanks for sharing.

    I've never birded the marsh at Rondeau. I imagine the view from that tower is incredible in May.

    Regarding the weather, they say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.
