Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fall Flings and Autumn Anecdotes

 I have been alternating between Lake Huron and Lake Erie the past week in hopes of seeing something of interest.  For the most part, it is not happening!  Lakewatches have just not been producing and while there is the odd interesting bird, it seems frustrating.

Last Saturday I went to Sarnia to do a lakewatch.  The winds were half decent, but not much showed up.  It was a nice day with excellent visibility.


On the way back home, I stopped at a couple of places for a walk, including Moore WMA.  One can only go so far, as that huge Burr Oak laying across the causeway makes it impossible to go back further.

The river was low enough to see some mussels.  Some Mapleleaf are nicely patterned.


Eastern Comma

Sunday it was threatening rain as I arrived at Rondeau.  Not the best wind was blowing for a lakewatch, but did one anyway.  The better winds have not even been producing, so what the heck!

False Indigo Bush

A few birds were on the trails, but not many.  And, a quick stop at Keith McLean C. L. was uneventful in the wind.

Monday, it was back up to Lake Huron where I first went to Ipperwash.  Essentially, the wrong winds were blowing for a good lakewatch.  The wind was more east that what the forecast called for, so yet another mistake!  Lots of ducks were moving including Surf Scoters.  Oddly, most ducks were moving north.  Not sure why I went there, as I knew better!

I finally left there and headed to Sarnia, as a Sabine's Gull was being seen, among other things.  Perhaps it was one that has been frequenting the area.  It was a better wind for a lakewatch there anyway.  Although I got there in time to see a Sabine's Gull, there was not much else.  Interesting how things die down quickly after the early morning activity.

Some Common Terns came in close at one point.

Naturally, since I was at that end of the spectrum, word came in that a Cattle Egret showed up at Keith McLean C. L.  Par for the course!  I was not going to chase after it......

Tuesday, you guessed it, I went down to Rondeau.  I wanted to go for a long walk, so chose to go out the marsh trail about 4 km.  The weather was nice with lots of birds, but as usual nothing rare.  The best bird was a Northern Shrike, first for the fall.  At least it co-operated nicely for a photo in good lighting.

After that walk, I stopped by McLean's for  while, as some raptors were moving.  (Of course, the Cattle Egret was nowhere to be found that day!).  Lots of Turkey Vultures moving.  One wonders where they all come from, as many days are like that.

A pair of Trumpeter Swans was the only thing of interest there.

Thursday,  I did not have  clue what to do, so wandered around aimlessly.  A Tennessee Warbler was at Peers Wetland early morning.  Of course, a branch had to be in the way!

In the afternoon I headed up Sarnia way and visited some spots, starting with Dow Wetlands.  Lots of sparrows were popping up there.  I was hoping for a LeConte's like a few years ago.  Maybe there was one there, but I did not find it!

Some warblers included Orange-crowned and Nashville among lots of Yellow-rumped.

A dragonfly caught my eye at one point.  It was a Shadow Darner. Getting late for them, but there have been lots this year.

I also checked the lakewatch at Sarnia, then went for a walk at Perch Creek after stopping at Lambton Mall for a meal.  I was planning on going to the Lambton Wildlife Meeting (reason for being up there), but eventually lost interest for various reasons, lol!  Got home before it became dark.

Today, I had no interest in going very far.  It was quite cold to start, and our first frost of the fall was coating everything.  This afternoon warmed up nicely so I went for a long walk at Reid CA.  The beans are off the fields, so it is easy to walk around the back field!

Still lots of greenery, but some trees are changing.

Eastern Commas and Common Buckeyes are still numerous.

The commas seemed quite skittish, so I never could get a decent photo of one.

I found yet another Shadow Darner today at Reid.

Interior scenes:

On to another day.....

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