Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Some Slow Days and Spiny Things

 I have found birding quite unremarkable this summer.  The last few days certainly have been very slow for me.  Sunday I checked out Blenheim Lagoons and the Erieau marsh trail with nothing of note.  The lagoons are no good for shorebirds with the water levels much higher, and the sprinkler cells dry.  I will not be going there again anytime soon, unless something is reported!

Lots of Spot-winged Gliders (and some Wandering Gliders) are around everywhere right now.

Spot-winged Glider at McGeachy Pond

In the afternoon, for lack of anything else to do, I took a long walk at Reid CA.  The Zabulon Skippers were still present!  I am fairly certain there were three.  Showing a little wear now.

Along the back field edge, I found this mason wasp.  There are many different kinds, and I photographed it just for the heck of it.  I found out later it is considered rare by the NHIC!  Called a Smiling Mason Wasp, it is quite similar to others.

I did not take time to get a clear photo of this flower fly, but it turned out to be one I have not photographed before.

Eastern Flower Fly

There was still a Dukes' Skipper flying.  One of the latest there I have seen.

Lots of Lance-tipped Darners were flying (as well as Royal River Cruisers).

After the walk, while driving home, I realized I had a passenger.  A Buffalo Tree Hopper had clung to me and escaped into the car.

Yesterday, I ended up at Rondeau and walked out south beach.  It was extremely slow for birds, and quite disappointing.  I only had one warbler!  A Northern Waterthrush was out south beach.

Practically no shorebirds, and no notable gulls. Nothing to photograph, so no photo to share here!

I did get this Fatmucket mussel for lack of anything else.

Walking back, I checked out the Cylindrical Blazing Star.  I did not realize the population was quite extensive!

Once in a while, one will see the white form.

I stopped by Keith McLean C. L. on the way home.  Extremely show there for birds as well.

Common Buckeye

Today, I had to do something different because there was no place else to go.  I went to Strathroy and checked out the lagoons and the conservation area.  Still extremely slow for birds!  High water levels from the excessive rain this summer did not help matters.

The conservation area is a neat place and has an extensive network of trails.   I was there earlier in the summer but could not access the place because it was flooded!  Too much rain.....

The Sydenham winds through here.

It is good for insects (sometimes).  I saw a couple of Blue-tipped Dancers, among other things.

On the way home I stopped by Shetland boat launch.  I met the Nethercott's from Sarnia there and I found them a Blue-ringed Dancer.

It appeared to be having lunch.

There was very little flying (again!), but this Royal River Cruiser hung around.

As well, at least three Flag-tailed Spinylegs were patrolling the river's edge.

We also saw Black-shouldered Spinyleg, but I did not bother to photograph it.

A cute little Spiny Softshell turtle was along the edge.

It eventually crawled up onto the mud, where it was well-camouflaged.

I had to be home by 13:00h, so my day was cut short at this point.

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