Thursday, May 23, 2024

Making Rounds For Birds and Insects

 Tuesday I decided to give Rondeau another go.  The only thing new for the year for me was Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.  Speaking of flycatchers, it seemed that more were yet to arrive.  The numbers were just not there on Tuesday.  At least I hope more are to come!

Looks like migration is coming to a close already.

It is the time I am getting into looking at insects more.  While at Rondeau the other day, I saw the first Hobomok Skippers, looking fresh.

Before heading home, I stopped by Keith McLean C. L.  A few of the more common shorebirds were in.

A Short-billed Dowitcher offered some fairly close views.

Wednesday, a change in scenery was in order.  I headed up to Port Franks and Ipperwash area.  I do not get up there as much as I used to, and it is a shame since there are so many places to go and things to see.

I did a long walk of over 6 km at the County Forest to start things off.  Hooded Warblers and Acadian Flycatchers are numerous there.  I tallied nine Acadians and eight singing Hooded Warblers.  There was not anything else of note during my walk.

The weather forecast had called for cloudy skies and a chance of rain, but luckily the sun stayed out for that walk.

Next stop was just a stone's throw away at Karner Blue Sanctuary.  I primarily wanted to look for butterflies there, but unfortunately the clouds did roll in.  However, I did find several duskywings and others.

Sundial Lupine is blooming already.

Not sure what all I saw in duskywings, as they can be difficult.  But, I believe there was Columbine, Wild Indigo, perhaps Juvenal's and Sleepy.

possible Sleepy

I also found a Northern Cloudywing.

Highlight, perhaps, was a Dusted Skipper.  I do not think I have seen one there before.

The white crescent above the eye is one of the key features in ID, giving a bandit look.

My next destination was Ipperwash at the old MNR parking lot area.  By then, some sprinkles of rain came along so I waited a bit.  Skies eventually cleared for a nice sunny afternoon!

Here, Dusted Skippers are in numbers.

I saw perhaps as many as fifteen.

I walked the back trail all the way to the Dunes trail which extends off the Dunes and Swales trails.

Numerous Racket-tailed Emeralds were flying. It is the most common and widespread of the emeralds in our area.

There were other common species of odes, including this Eastern Forktail, blue version.

Even a Snowberry Clearwing was working the puccoon plants.

It was getting terribly hot, so I worked my way home at this point.

Today, I stayed fairly close to home as all this driving is getting me tired! First thing I went around by Port Lambton then up near Sombra.  The Western Meadowlark is still singing away at the solar farm; probably for a mate that will never come.  It was nice to hear, but was hidden in the grass.

I went for a walk at Reid CA, mainly around the back field.  There were dozens of odes, mainly Common Baskettails.

But there were lots of Racket-tailed Emeralds as well.

Four-spotted Skimmers were plentiful.  This species is one of my favourite.

Silver-spotted Skippers were the most numerous butterfly it seemed.  Others included both Giant and Tiger Swallowtail, Red-spotted Purple, Question Mark and a crescent or two.

Silver-spotted Skipper dorsal view

This non-native plant was in bloom at Reid.  Yellow Iris is a native of northern Africa, southern Europe and western Asia.

I did a quick walk at McKeough CA as well just to see if anything stuck out.  Nothing unusual!  Last year a Clay-colored Sparrow was singing here.

A pair of Eastern Bluebirds must be nesting in the area.

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