Sunday I had the notion to go up to Ipperwash and check the lake. The wind was not right for a good lake passage of birds. In other words, I should not have looked at the forecast!
Views from my vantage point:
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Kettle Point in the distant background |
After some lakewatching, I headed down to Forest lagoons. There were lots of ducks there, but very skittish. I had to count most of them in the air, since they flushed. There was good variety, including two Blue-winged Teal.
A young Northern Shrike was making some rounds on this dismal day.
A couple of ravens went by at one point. They are fairly regular in north Lambton anymore, as they have expanded their range southward.
In the shrubbery, a few Fox Sparrows were evident. My favourite sparrow type!
Monday, I wanted to stay close to home, but early in the day I got word of three Purple Sandpipers at Erieau pier. So much for that idea!
Long story short, I was about a half hour too late in arriving, as they were nowhere to be found. I likely would have seen them if I had left right away, but I delayed my departure about a half hour. Still lots of chance to see one this year.
For consolation, I checked out the Erieau marsh trail.
There were loads of birds, especially sparrows. Warblers included the usual Yellow-rumped, a Blackpoll, a Nashville, a Palm and a Common Yellowthroat. The one I saw was a dull female.
It was nice to see a lot of birds, so the day was not lost.
Today, I headed down to Rondeau and area for some Halloween thrills.
The weather forecast was useless. Sunday, they said it was to be a decent day, then Monday they said mostly rain for Tuesday. But, the skies were mostly clear today, and little wind! It was actually a pleasant day, so a word of advice, do not have much faith in weather forecasts!
I started with a lakewatch at dog beach. Lots of ducks, grebes (Horned) and loons.
Coming back to the parking lot, Steve and I found a multitude of passerines. Right away, I spotted a yellowish bird, which turned out to be an Eastern Palm Warbler (or "Yellow" Palm Warbler).
I usually see one of these each year.
I moved on to south point trail, which was fairly birdy in some spots. A couple of 'latish' Blackpoll Warblers were hanging out together, but I failed to get decent photos.
There were lots of Eastern Bluebirds at one point.
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Site of the old campground office! |
After the park, I stopped by Keith McLean Conservation Lands. It was quite pleasant there, and I was looking forward to some decent birding.
Vesper Sparrow |
Not long after arriving, I received word of a Cattle Egret on Lagoon Road north. Well, I had to go see that since I missed the others this year! In typical fashion, it was with cattle.
After getting a glimpse of the stocky little egret, I went back down the road to the lagoons. Bonaparte's Gulls were the bird of the day here. Over 1000 were there, but nothing else was with with, surprisingly.
There were lots of ducks to sort through.
Shorebirds included a single Least Sandpiper at the back.
Others included three Greater Yellowlegs, a couple of Dunlin, lots of Killdeer, and the surprise of the day, a Sanderling. It was in the sprinklers cells!
A Sanderling is not usually found at a sewage lagoon. Occasionally, some birders report them at lagoons, but I think mis-ID's are involved in some cases. They are almost always along the beaches.
It was first here for both Steve and I.
Greater Yellowlegs |
On to some November birding......
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