This past Thursday I went to Mitchell's Bay quite early. The south shore trail is nice in the morning for lighting. There were quite a few warblers along the trail to keep things interesting. Too active to pose for photos!
An Osprey made a close pass along the shoreline.
Some blackbirds were going over first thing, and among them was a Yellow-headed. Not too surprising at that locale!
Later on I went for a walk at Reid CA. I was still seeing Dukes' Skippers.
A couple of Royal River Cruisers stopped briefly.
Nearby, a Lance-tipped Darner posed nicely.
In the woods, I came across this wood aster. Not entirely certain what species. Even though I put it on iNaturalist nobody wants to ID it. It could be Schreber's Wood Aster, which is rare. But then, Large-leaved Aster is similar. I had hoped someone would help me out.
Friday, I fumbled around quite a bit first thing, but then decided to head up to Ipperwash and Kettle Point. Turns out I should have went to Kettle Point first thing! The wind was howling out of the NW, making for a good lakewatch.
I went to Ipperwash Beach first thing, but there was not a lot of activity, although a couple of very distant jeagers were visible.
After that, I walked Dunes and Swales. It was birdless! I came across this insect which I though was interesting. Only known by its latin name.
Panorpa subfurcata |
I always like seeing Cardinal Flower this time of year.
I then went to Kettle Point, where Sean Macey had been watching the lake for a few hours. He had already had several jaegers and three Sabine's Gulls!
Again, much of the stuff was way out, but we did see four Parasitic Jaegers (two and then two).
It is early in the season, and interesting that many of the jaegers already seen this summer are Parasitic. Usually, Long-tailed is the dominant species!
At one point, I was pretty sure I had two Sabine's, but they were just too distant to be certain.
Saturday I checked out Keith McLean C. L. and Blenheim lagoons. A few shorebirds were at McLean's, and lots at the lagoons.
At one point, a Peregrine Falcon came in and flushed all the shorebirds!
Also I have been looking at insects in the garden.
Snowberry Clearwing Moth |
Ithaca Clearwing Moth |
European Tube Wasp |
Peck's Skipper |
Today I checked out local CA's. Pretty dead for migrants!
I did find two Dukes' Skippers at Reid. Latest I have had them I think. This one is showing its age.
It will be interesting to see how late I can see these. Perhaps this was the last day!
I looked at the asters again, and found more.
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