Saturday, July 22, 2023

Insect Theme Continued!

 Not finding anything special, I have been out enjoying the nice weather near home.  We had another wicked storm late Thursday, but it was not too bad around Wallaceburg.  Sombra through Wilkesport and around Sarnia got hit hard.  Lots of trees down and roofless buildings!  I was surprised with the number of trees down as I passed through Sombra this morning.

It was a nice morning along the river.  The Common Loon was still in Sombra Bay.  I stopped to watch a ship go by at nearby Cundick Park.

Tim S. Dool

Here are some finds at my usual haunts the last few days.  I finally photographed some Broad-winged Skippers at Reid!

Lots of spreadwings lately, mostly Slender.

I checked out various sedge patches at Reid CA the other day, but did not find any skippers other than at the two known areas.  They seem to be doing well this year unlike some other species.

Yesterday I checked out various spots, but things were sparse....again!  Mosquitoes are doing well though!

Skimming Bluet at Dow Wetlands

Stream Bluet at Perch Creek

Lance-tipped Darner at Perch Creek

Northern Pearly-Eye at Perch Creek

Appalachian Brown at Perch Creek

Eastern Pondhawk

another spreadwing

Today's main walk was at Reid CA where I did the north half.  I saw several Broad-winged Skippers in the old river-course.

I managed to find two more hairstreaks!  This one was very faded, but seems to be a Banded.

Nearby, I came across this Hickory.

This katydid was trying to hide on a leaf.  Not sure of species, as they are sometimes difficult to ID.

Before leaving Reid, a quick check for Dukes' Skippers is always in order.  Two today in short order.

I decided to do a quick check of McKeough CA before going home for lunch.  A couple of Flag-tailed Spinylegs were working the riverbank.  This species is critically imperiled, but regular along the north Sydenham.

A very fresh Bronze Copper, uncommon here, was nice to see.

Lately, I have been watching the garden for the variety of critters that visit.  It is quite fascinating!  Here are a few more.

Common Aerial Yellowjacket

Lunate Longhorn-cuckoo Bee


Two-spotted Longhorn Bee

female Tule Bluet (I think)

And, lots of very tiny insects.  The Margined Calligrapher is a regular visitor.

With Moth Week about to start, here is an Eight-spotted Forester from the garden.

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