Today was one of the nicer days we have had in a long time--clear skies and moderate temperature. I was looking at things with wings of all sorts!
I had no plans to go far today, but went for a long walk at Reid CA, then a shorter one at McKeough CA.
Lots of birds have now fledged for this year, including this Wood Thrush.
It seemed to be a better day for insects and at one point I nearly fell over when I spotted a hairstreak. Appeared to be a fresh Hickory at Reid, so I not totally skunked on hairstreaks there this year!
Some butterflies are doing well this year, including Appalachian Brown and Common Wood Nymph.
Kept an eye out for other insects as well.
Transverse-Banded Flower Fly |
Over at McKeough, only one Pronghorn Clubtail along the riverbank.
Very few odes in fact. I may have had a fleeting glimpse of a Flag-tailed Spinyleg. They should be out by now.
Our smallest dragonfly here is the Eastern Amberwing.
Eastern Tailed-Blues were quite plentiful today.
A few Delaware Skippers were flitting about.
A Bronze Copper was an uncommon sight at McKeough. Very worn, but identifiable.
A few bluets were along the water's edge. Possibly Familiar.
At home this afternoon, the garden is coming along nicely with all the rain, and lots of insects were coming and going. I did not get on all of them, but it is interesting all the different flies and bees that visit the garden.
Tufted Globetail |
Margined Calligrapher |
Hump-backed Beewolf |
Gymnoclytia occidua |
Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee (?) |
type of weevil wasp |
Today and tomorrow there is a special event at the museum called Wings Over Wallaceburg (the mechanical kind). Did you know Wallaceburg once had a thriving airport? This weekend's event celebrates the Wallaceburg airport (1959-1971) and Seneca Air Services.
I can even remember the airport, so that tells you how old I am!
The museum has displays and activities, as well as a BBQ. About 2:30 this afternoon, there was a flyover of special aircraft. I was out in the yard looking at the insects when they flew over, so I had my camera on hand.
The event continues on Saturday.
Common Whitetail |
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