Friday, June 9, 2023

More Spiketails and a Bonus Heron

 Today was fairly cool and clear compared to the previous days.  Smoke from the wildfires in the north and elsewhere was quite evident late Tuesday here.

A few butterflies and skippers are out in the dry weather.

Tawny-edged Skipper

The last couple of days I have nothing of note to report.  Yesterday (Thursday) I decided to go into Essex County.  Firstly, I walked around Hillman Marsh.  No Limpkin or any heron of note!  It was an enjoyable walk none-the-less.

Cedar Waxwing

Looks like the local Trumpeter Swans spend too much time with their heads in the water.  They are getting quite rusty!

Afterwards, I went into Point Pelee for a walk.  Once again, nothing of note showed while I was there.  I give up!

Today was a different day.  I was going to stay close to home after going for a walk at Reid CA early this morning.  I was done before 9 a.m., so I thought I might as well check out Wardsville Woods.

Scene along the shaded stream

The dry weather is certainly having an effect on leps and odes this year.  Not too many seen in my travels.  

Upon arrival at Wardsville, there was not much flying.  I did come across an Arrowhead Spiketail early on.  Same area I had one the other day.

After much walking around, I was not even seeing Midland Clubtails, unlike the previous day where I saw many.  Eventually, I did see two, and only two.

I walked to the back at one point and came across another Arrowhead Spiketail!

I spent quite a bit of time around the pond, but did not see much.

Eastern Forktail

Eastern Pondhawk

I decided to head out.  Along the same trail, I saw the same or another Arrowhead Spiketail.

Near the end of the trail, I spotted another spiketail, but this one seemed different.  It took at while before it settled, and sure enough it was a Twin-spotted!  It made my day, at least at this point.

It was just last year I found both species of spiketails at Wardsville Woods, which constituted a new record for Middlesex.

Hopefully, Cobra Clubtail and Riverine Clubtail will soon show up!

Down the road, I stopped by the Tecumseh Monument park and went down to the riverbank.  It was a last minute decision to see if any mussels were exposed.  There were lots!

Of note, I found a Three-horn Wartyback, a new one for me.  Another threatened species, and critically-imperiled depending on where it is listed.



Several Mapleleaf were there.  This one was very fresh, as it still had some "meat" in it.

I started heading home after this since I was hungry and the car was almost out of gas.  At the top end of Kent Bridge Road, I got a call from Rick Mayos that a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was at Keith McLean C. L. Well, I had to go for it and go hungry since I did not expect to be away from home this long!

Upon arrival, a number of local birders were already present along with the heron.

Although we have had a few of them in the Rondeau area in the past, it has been 24 years since the last one was seen by many in the park.  (Although I had one on my own in the year 2000).

It was certainly an overdue bird!

Edit:  This heron was photographed on June 8 here per a Facebook post.

There may be something with these southern herons since some Tricolored Herons have already been seen in the province.  Maybe more to come?

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