Friday, April 29, 2022

Some Tuf(ted) Birding

 Been cold the last two days!  Not much new has come in since last Sunday due to the weather.  Some of the birds we are seeing lately probably came in last Sunday. Some tough days of birding!

I went down to Rondeau early this morning.  There was not much to sort through and hardly any warblers.  I did get some FOY birds such as Sedge Wren, White-eyed Vireo, Ovenbird, Hooded Warbler and later Grasshopper Sparrow.  All did not want to be photographed!

Swainson's Thrush

During my time at Rondeau, I heard that a Tufted Duck was at Point Pelee.  Since Rondeau was virtually dead (again), I headed that way.  I did not rush, and took a leisurely pace.

After arrival, I took the tram to the Tip, and had a nice chat with Paul Pratt.  I then headed up the west side, and soon noted a Yellow-throated Warbler working a tree.  I watched it for ten minutes.  As easy find.

Quite a few of these creatures have been around southern Ontario so far this spring, but not one at Rondeau (yet).  Nice to see that one!

I heard that the Tufted Duck was still being seen, so I headed up that way.  Eventually I got good looks at it in the distance.  It was a new Pelee bird for me!  It was tuf tough to see as it quickly moved around.

It is the third one I have seen in Ontario, the last being.....way the winter of 1994 at Sombra!  Long time coming.

A couple of White-eyed Vireos were in the vicinity as well.  Again, I had no luck in photographing one!

Been quite a few of those around recently.

I walked back to the VC via Woodland Trail.  For some reason I keep missing a Louisiana Waterthrush!  Been a nemesis this spring!

I did get a co-operative Prothonotary Warbler though.  A FOY.

Nothing else for the rest of the day, except a FOY Eastern Kingbird.

A good day, but better days are ahead!

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