Once again little to report as spring migrants are trickling in. Friday, it was down to Rondeau. At least the sun was out for some time! More kinglets were flitting about.
After striking out on any warblers at all, I headed back near home. I wanted to check out Port Lambton sewage lagoons for the first time in a long time. A permit is required to enter any lagoon in St. Clair Township legally. (After going through a process, I managed to get a permit, mainly for checking out breeding birds this season for the Atlas). Port Lambton lagoons are not suited for public access anyway, as one has to drive down a long single track to the complex, and there is absolutely no parking.
Quite a few ducks were present with the dominant one being Northern Shoveler.
Later, I stopped by Peers Wetland. A single fresh migrant Yellow-rumped Warbler was present.
Three Sandhill Cranes were a nice sight.
Saturday, I decided to go to Point Pelee. Just like clockwork, the weather went for a crap with heavy wet snow on the trip there. Thankfully, it eventually cleared during my visit and the sun came out. It was cold, but birding was quiet. Where did that Louisiana Waterthrush go?
It was more a social time, as I spent time with a couple of friends who I had not seen all winter.
I stopped by Hillman shorebird cell as well. A good number of birds there, but nothing special. I did get my first-of-year Pectoral Sandpipers (8). I arrived just in time, as they took off, never to be seen again!
Lots of Bonaparte's Gulls are around right now, but no sign of a Black-headed! An Iceland Gull was at Wheatley Harbour.
Near home, I checked out the south shore nature trail at Mitchell's Bay. One never knows what will show there! (eg. Sage Thrasher!).
I did get my first-of-year Purple Martins. Lighting bad!
Sunday, it was down to Rondeau again. Cold, but at least the sun was out. No warblers once again!
Ducks were numerous on the Bay, and I spotted a Eurasian Wigeon. It was likely the same one spotted the day before at the head of the Bay. A bit too distant for my camera.
It was a bright bird, and certainly a different one than the Erieau duck, which was seen that day as well.
There have been quite a few of these European variety of wigeon around southern Ontario this year!
I checked out Erieau, then the Blenheim lagoons. Lots of ducks there as well. I was hoping to stumble upon an Eared Grebe, but I only came up with a Horned at the lagoons.
At the rail trail, lots of turtles were out. All were painted, except I did spot one Blandings.
This week will be warm with southerly winds, so lots of new migrants will show up!
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