Saturday, January 29, 2022

Stefina Stuff and Just Ducky Along the St. Clair River

 We are in the dead of winter, but there are some birds out there to be found.  Friday I went down to Rondeau in the morning to look around.  It was rather quiet, but that was expected.  I wanted to check out Stefina Line near Blenheim on this day, so that was the next stop.

Some Eastern Meadowlarks were found along the road this week....a nice bird for mid-winter.  I found them right away, but was unable to get decent photos.

Seems there are quite a few around southwestern Ontario this winter.  Perhaps they stuck around with the very mild start to the winter.

The snipe was not visible in the creek....again, but this Great Blue Heron was feeding,

Several sparrow types were feeding along the roadside scrapes, including White-crowned.

I also saw a couple of Turkey Vultures before leaving the area.  They often winter in the Blenheim area.

I headed back home, but decided to head out to the St. Clair River.  Lots of ducks!

Stoke's Point had a good array of ducks.

There used to be a light here (Stoke's Point Light) and old foundation can still be seen.

Long-tailed Ducks were by the thousands at the north end of Mooretown.

I spent quite a bit of time at Guthrie Park, Corunna.  Nothing new in gulls, and white-winged gulls are difficult to find this winter.

On the way back, I found one of the hybrid Redhead X Ring-necked ducks at Cundick Park.  There was some snow most of the afternoon, so visibility was poor.

Today I decided to head back to the St. Clair River.  Seems to be more ducks, especially Canvasback.  They finally increased in numbers.

There is a good open spot at Fawn Island attracting waterfowl, including lots of Tundra and Mute Swans.  I was hoping for Trumpeter, but never saw one!

The hybrid was still at Cundick Park.

I spent most of the time at Guthrie Park.  Gulls were disappointing this morning, but ducks were numerous.

I headed back home via some back roads.  I had a nice walk at Moore WMA for a change.  Some Eastern Bluebirds were the highlight there.

Some of the usual dickie birds were present.

Farther east on Bickford Line, I encountered some more Eastern Bluebirds.  One of these days I will find a Mountain Bluebird!

I also walked McKellar Tract, but it has been very quiet this winter.

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