Thursday, December 30, 2021

Prowls and Owls

Wednesday was just not a good day.   Among other things, the weather was just plain dismal--drizzle, fog and and rather dark.  I went on a prowl up Sarnia way, but could not come up with anything new.  I did see the long-staying Harlequin Duck and King Eider at the lakewatch spot near the water plant on the mouth of Lake Huron.
Some people have mis-labeled this spot! The strip of shoreline is part of Sarnia, not Point Edward.  As well, it is the mouth of Lake Huron, not the mouth of the St. Clair River.  The mouth is where the body of water spills out!  I guess I am too

I stopped by Guthrie Park on the way back.  Lots of gulls, but mostly one species.  Lighting was horrible and one could not see any distance.

Today was dismal as well, but fairly clear and no wind.  I decided to check out St. Clair NWA in anticipation of the CBC on Saturday.  Too bad today was not the count, as the weather will leave a lot to be desired on Saturday!

As soon as I got out of the car, a Yellow-rumped Warbler greeted me.  A bit of a surprise there!

I doubt I have ever seen the place so open with no ice at all for this time of year.  It was packed with waterfowl!

A mass of ducks came in at one point, mostly Mallards and Blacks, but lighting was horrible so they were more silhouettes than anything.

From the tower I could see lots of Ring-necked Ducks.  I put down 135 on my list, but I know there were much more than that since I could not see everything.

Along the walk, I came up with a total of 14 Marsh Wrens.  I guess that is to be expected there especially with this mild weather so far.  They were too difficult to photograph since there is too much phragmites.

I then moved on to Lighthouse Cove.  We need ice there to concentrate things and attract gulls, as it can be a hopping place!  Not too many gulls today.

In view were 20 Double-crested Cormorants, somewhat expected there given the unseasonable weather.  They were really on the C-K side though.

There are always some novelty ducks there!

After some business in Chatham, I swung out Mitchell's Bay way before going home.  Snowy Owls are usually abundant there.  Passing by, I noticed five between Marsh and Mallard Lines along Winter Line.

The south shore trail was extremely quiet, but must be checked, especially after the Sage Thrasher incident!

Just south of Wallaceburg, I came by a couple of co-operative Snowy Owls along Meadowvale Line.  (They were missed on the Wallaceburg CBC, but maybe we can blame that on the crappy weather...again).  One dark, one light!

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