Sunday, September 12, 2021

Migrant Meanderings

 Lots of birds have been moving the last few days as they quickly head south for winter vacation.  I did some meandering around to see what I could find.

Rondeau Park was on Friday.  A good selection of birds was around, including big numbers of some.  Swainson's Thrushes were in big numbers, as well as Red-breasted Nuthatches. A good variety of warblers was seen.

I never got any photos as the birds were fast-moving through the thick foliage.  They were fast-moving on the west side of park as witnessed by a keen observer.  Hundreds of birds were exiting the park!

Later, I checked out the Erieau marsh trail (rail trail) where there were lots of birds as well.

warbler with chestnut sides

Some Great-crested Flycatchers were still around.

Saturday, I headed down to Point Pelee early for a Tip watch.  I had not been to Pelee for a few weeks, so the change in scenery was due!

There was a good on-shore wind, but not a lot of gull movement.  I was hoping for a Sabine's Gull, but as usual, I was a day too early.  That has been the case with many birds this year!

We did see one Parasitic Jaeger fairly close, so I was happy with that.

As in typical fashion, it interacted with the gulls.

I checked out De Laurier later on, and I found quite a few birds to sort through.  A sleepy Common Nighthawk was pointed out to me.

A Five-lined Skink caught my attention a bit later.

On the way into the park before sun-up, lots of birds were along the road.  Thrushes once again dominated the scene.

Today, I started at Rondeau with a sea watch.  There was a fairly good gull movement, but as usual, nothing of note.  Not sure what it is about Rondeau, but we rarely get jaegers, and things like Sabine's Gulls!

I did a bit of south point, but it was rather quiet, so I left the park disappointed.  Stopped by Keith McLean C. L. and it seemed more interesting than Rondeau.  In fact, I had almost as many bird species!

Some 'latish' Eastern Kingbirds were on the property, as I hoped for a Western.  One of these days.....

One tree held several species of warblers, including about ten Palm Warblers.

While watching these, I got word of Buff-breasted Sandpipers outside of Point Pelee.  I was not going home today without seeing a decent bird, so I headed there.  I had not yet seen this species this year, and as usual, I was a day too early for other occurences both in C-K and Lambton.  (the way my luck has been this year!).

I did see the two buffies upon arrival, but they were  a bit distant in bright sun.

Lots of Common Checkered-Skippers around now.  I have seen them everywhere. (even at the Buff-breasted site!).

at Keith McLean's

at Peers

The Great-Horned Owl is still happily staying at Peers Wetland.

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