Saturday, August 21, 2021

This Week's Notes

 The last couple of days have been decent for passerines and shorebirds.  It has been a hot week though and I have had enough!  Yesterday the heat and humidity got to me and I was feeling sick by mid afternoon and into the evening.  But, I think I picked up an allergic reaction to something out there.  I do a lot of walking when I am out, so today I cut down on walking, but not driving!

Yesterday I went down to Rondeau and it was a good choice as there were lots of warblers and flycatchers.  A good variety of warblers was seen and multiples of some.


Cape May

I stopped by Keith McLean C. L. on the way out to look at shorebirds.  The wet area was just about dried up, and probably is today.  However, there were some shorebirds present including Baird's Sandpiper.  A Wilson' Snipe was also probing the mud.

I finally saw some Bronze Coppers for the year.

A visit to Blenheim Lagoons was a waste of time, so I went on down to the Erieau rail trail.  There was a good variety of birds there as well, but nothing special.

This darner was in the shadows at the trail.

Today I headed to north Lambton.  There was dense fog here this morning, so I did not leave until later than usual.  Forest Lagoons is good right now and I found a good variety of shorebirds, including three Baird's Sandpipers.  Too far for photos though!

Before it got too hot, I went up to the Karner Blue Sanctuary.  Leonard's Skippers are usually out by now, and I did find one.

As usual, nectaring on the Rough Blazing Star.  There were few butterflies to be seen.  But then it has been a poor year.

Common Wood Nymph

I got out of Port Franks, as it can be a zoo on summer weekends, and headed south.  I stopped by Moore WMA again, but it was impossible to get through the ragweed.  I did, however, get to another part of the riverbank which was littered with mussels.  Seems raccoons were busy!

There were several mussels, but most were Mapleleaf.  A couple were some old White Heelsplitters.

White Heelspitter


another Mapleleaf

I spotted their cousin across the river, the rarer Pink Heelsplitter.

There was no way to get across the river though.

A couple of odes:

Slender Spreadwing

Blue-tipped Dancer

Every year about this time I find a Solitary Sandpiper at Moore.

This evening I went for a walk at Peers Wetland.  A Great Horned Owl has been hanging around lately.  They do not nest there, but often hang out this time of year.

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