Today was the first chance I had to go and view the Mountain Bluebird near Shetland. Upon arrival at the scene, I saw two birds flying around. Obviously they were bluebirds--one a female Mountain and the other a female Eastern! They perched right beside the road at times, and dove into a couple of red cedars there. For long periods of time, they perched on corn stubble in the field. Lighting was no good first thing this morning, so photos are very poor.
Dwayne Murphy was also there taking photos.
Several Horned Larks and few Snow Buntings were in the field on the opposite side of the road. Also one Lapland Longspur.
Snow Buntings
Horned Larks
Afterwards, we went over to Shetland CA. It is a small CA, but often harbours Long-eared Owls in the spruces. Last week, White-winged Crossbills were reported there, but it was quiet today.
It is interesting to note that two Mountain Bluebirds are in southern Ontario this winter. In recent years, this species was almost absent for southern Ontario. A few have been in Northern Ontario. Still no record for the Rondeau Birding Area!!
The last Mountain Bluebird I looked at was at Fisher's Glen in the winter of 2000.
This most recent Mountain Bluebird was found by Peter Chapman of Hungry Hollow last Monday. He said that he never intended to go down that road initially! Goes to show what may be lurking out there.
Allen Woodliffe got an excellent photo of the present bird yesterday, and it will likely be up on the OFO site soon.
On the way home, I wandered through back roads, seeing lots of northbound Horned Larks, some Snow Buntings and hawks.
Rough-legged Hawk doing the hovering thing
On the St. Clair River this afternoon, I noted hundreds of Canada Geese. I did not sort through all of them, so likely there was a Cackler or two amongst them. Also, lots of Common Mergansers this winter. A few small rafts of Redhead were around and a couple of Long-tailed Ducks off Port Lambton. An American Coot was at LGS today.
Mallard with Tundra Swan at Sombra
Also of note, the hermaphrodite Mallard (female) is still swimming around Port Lambton, although mostly alone. This bird has been around about four years!
I did come across another Northern Shrike today. I have seen more shrikes this winter than the last three combined!
Black-capped Chickadee at McKellar (note snowflakes!)
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