Sunday, November 11, 2018

Rondeau Rounds and Some Late Birds

I did my usual rounds at Rondeau once again this weekend.  Saturday was brutally windy and rather cold, but a short lakewatch at dog beach started the day.  One could only stand there for so long!  The only shorebirds were four Sanderlings.  Gull activity was fairly good, but no rarities.....again.

I checked out south point trail afterwards.  Ruby-crowned Kinglets were plentiful for this late date.

A few Yellow-rumped Warblers were kicking around.  Lots of juncos and other sparrows were found.

Later, I went up to the campground.  The south end had quite a few birds to keep one busy.  Two tardy Blue-headed Vireos were working the trees.

Steve had seen a Nashville Warbler (not unusual at this date), but I could not find it.

I decided to go back to south point trail again as it was somewhat out of the wind.  A Blackpoll Warbler was notable on this round.  Lighting was horrible most of the day.

The only flycatcher type left, was a single Eastern Phoebe.

Quite a few Cedar Waxwings were kicking around during the day, but still no Bohemian.

For Sunday I thought of going other places, but it would take a longer drive.  I went back to Rondeau and it turned out to be a good day.  Several late birds were around.  Keith had seen a Cape May Warbler, Northern Parula and American Redstart (female type) during the day, as well as a White-eyed Vireo.  McArthur's had seen a male redstart at their pond as well.  The redstarts are record late by about a week.
I could only come up with Yellow-rumped Warblers despite trying.

Steve and I started the day at dog beach for a lakewatch under more comfortable conditions.  Lots of ducks were moving, especially Bufflehead.  Bufflehead seemed to be everywhere today!  There was a good variety of ducks seen.
Horned Grebes were in good numbers--I kept track and counted 44.  A few Common Loons and a single Red-throated Loon was observed.

We had a distant shorebird which remained unidentified.  It could have been a Purple Sandpiper for all we know!

I went on to south point trail by myself.  Ruby-crowned Kinglets were more plentiful this day.  There were actually all over the park.

An American Woodcock was in the same area as yesterday, but did not co-operate for any type of photo.

Juncos were numerous today, as they usually are this time of year.

The campground was on the agenda next, but it seemed quieter than yesterday.  I checked it twice.
At least three Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were roaming around the campground (I saw a fourth near maintenance).  They are regular in winter in the campground!

Finch types were not all that plentiful this weekend. Although some Evening Grosbeaks were around, I could not come up with any.
A few Pine Siskins were around, as well as Purple Finches.
One wonders if we will see any crossbills.  There is a White-winged coming to a feeder up at Sarnia.  It is an ugly dark juvenile, not much to look at apparently!

Down Harrison trail, I spotted a Gray Catbird munching on some berries.

On a tip from Mike Cowlard, at beach access #1, I saw a Blue-headed Vireo.  It was there as soon as I got out of the car!

A pair of Pileated Woodpeckers was along Lakeshore Road.  Despite their grandeur and size, they are very elusive in late fall and winter!  It had been a long time since I had seen one.

After making rounds in the park, I headed over to McGeachy Pond and met up with Steve.  I did not anticipate spending much time there, but we spent more than 1.5h!  Living up to its name, this dike held some decent birds for this time of year.  A Wilson's Warbler was there on Friday, as seen by Jim Burk.
We had to work for them, looking into the tangles, but we came up with some decent finds.  Steve spotted a Black-and-white Warbler at one point.  Even though I was standing right beside him, I did not get a good enough look.  This warbler is most certainly record late by almost two weeks.

Near the viewing tower, we checked the area and a number of birds were in the lower area.  Almost simultaneously, I heard the chip notes of a Northern Waterthrush and a Common Yellowthroat.  Although I saw the waterthrush well, I could not get a photo.

We did get good looks at the Common Yellowthroat, a bird not unusual in this area in late fall.

I went back up on the dike to see if I could see the waterthrush.  As a consolation, I spotted an Orange-crowned Warbler!  These creatures are often difficult to photograph, especially at McGeachy.  Fuzzy photos are the norm!

After this round, it was time to head home.  It will be interesting to see what else turns up in the Rondeau area in the next few weeks.

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