I stopped by Reid CA for a brief look after work today for about 15 minutes. A few butterflies were working the Indian Hemp. I finally saw a couple of Edwards' Hairstreaks this time.
A few Banded were around too.
I also saw one rather worn Southern Hairstreak, more appropriately called a Northern Oak Hairstreak.
Lots of Northern Broken-Dash were finally flying.
Monkey Flower is about to bloom, but I came across this jewelweed (Spotted Touch-me-not) which is really nice upon close inspection.
Weather was about perfect today, and it was a beautiful morning. I stop by Stewart Wetland each morning, as habitat is excellent for shorebirds. Southbound shorebirds included 3 Lesser Yellowlegs and a couple of Least Sandpipers.
On of these days, something good has to show up!
I stopped at Reid for about 30 minutes mid-afternoon on Sunday and the patch was really quiet....no hairstreaks at all. Guess they were having their Sunday afternoon nap.