Thursday, June 29, 2017

Images of Wednesday

Wednesday morning I was in Sarnia to work on a boat.  I was done by noon so headed over to Logan's Pond (an old quarry) near the corner of Modeland Road and Lakeshore Road.  Last year, some Comet Darners were seen there and I was hoping to see some.  However, none appeared!  I saw about eight species of dragonflies, but certainly no Comet Darners.  Perhaps they are yet to appear.

I stopped by Moore WMA on the way back and found this Silvery Checkerspot.

I also stopped by Reid CA to look for more hairstreaks.  Seems it is not a great year for them, as I was hard-pressed to find just a few Banded.

It should be peak time for the Southern Hairstreak, but this is the second day I have struck out!
Here is a link to my initial find of the Northern Oak Hairstreak:

Here are some photos of other butterflies encountered.

American Painted-Lady

Silver-spotted Skipper
Dun Skipper

Partial Appalachian Brown
Dun Skipper

Northern Broken-Dash
Just before getting home, I stopped by Stewart Wetland.  Several Great Egrets are still hanging around.

A male Blue-winged Teal was also present.

Some shorebirds are starting to appear as "fall" migrants.  A single Least Sandpiper was working the mud.