Back on Thursday evening, I received a message about a Worm-eating Warbler north of Sombra. I was not sure that I would be able to see it, but sure enough the bird was present when I arrived, quietly feeding in an apple blossom tree. Mike Bouman found this bird in his yard!
Around the same time, a Worm-eating Warbler was found in Canatara Park at Sarnia. One only wonders how many could have actually have been around.
The photo from Mike is much appreciated.
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photo courtesy Mike Bouman |
Saturday started out horribly with pouring rain and high winds. After things settled down, birding was fairly good with lots of diversity. I observed 24 species of warblers at Rondeau Park. Northern Parula, one of the more attractive warblers, was in good supply.
Lots of Tennessee Warblers were around as well, and others were plentiful too.
A perched Whip-poor-will was an attraction on south point trail.
The long-staying Solitary Sandpiper was still in the same slough off Rondeau Avenue!
I did not get too many photos Saturday due to the poor lighting we usually see on weekends.
At Blenheim Lagoons, a large number of swallows were struggling to find food in the cold weather.
A single Short-billed Dowitcher posed for a photo.
I ended up with 130 species for the day, but I think it would have been higher if the weather had co-operated.
Sunday was colder, but bouts of suns helped during the day. Still, lots of birds were seen by the many birders scouring the park.
Cape May Warblers were numerous Sunday and often found in bunches.
A few Orange-crowned Warblers were around this day, but not too photo-genic.
Lots of Lincoln's Sparrows were around, especially along Harrison Trail.
A Prairie Warbler, one of the more sought-after regulars, was seen near the visitor centre, but I did not catch up with it. We saw one last Thursday though.
The White-winged Dove is still attracting birders along Lakeshore Road. I heard it while I was walking along Harrison Trail. Later, I saw it while passing by on the road.
Flycatchers are now starting to arrive in bigger numbers. I heard my FOY Olive-sided today.
Birds were quite low today due to the cold weather. Some of the sloughs were good to look for birds.
Plant growth is quite retarded along the lake due to the cold spring, but the Showy Orchis is soon to bloom.
Various violets among other wildflowers are decorating the woodland floor.
One of Rondeau's attractions is the nesting Prothonotary Warblers. They are quite reliable on tulip tree trail.
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