Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rambles at Rondeau

It was rather chilly and windy this weekend as this wacky weather continues. Early Saturday morning was not too bad down in Rondeau, but as time went on things took a turn for the worse.
I managed to find a few birds that were first for the year.  One was a Brown Thrasher on south point trail, which did not want to face the camera.

A pair of early Purple Martins was investigating a home near the visitor centre.  I am sure they did not appreciate the weather late yesterday and this morning!

Quite a few Horned Grebes were on the lake and while watching at beach access #9, I spotted a Red-necked Grebe.
By that time, the weather had deteriorated, but I looked at some sparrows near the tennis courts.  A Vesper Sparrow was among them.  The weather prevented me from getting a decent photo.

A heavy snow shower was underway, so I decided to get into the woods and walk Black Oak Trail.  Soon after starting, a large white bird caught my eye.  Turned out to be a Great Egret!  A slough in the woods is not a usual location for such a species.

It was time to leave as the weather was rather dismal by mid-day.
I took a quick peak at Blenheim Lagoons, but it was totally unbearable to stay there!  Too windy and cold.  Water levels are high and nests are afloat.

Bufflehead are in big numbers everywhere right now, including Blenheim.

Sunday was very cold, but sunny.  I walked south point trail (east side) again.  It was evident that Fox Sparrows had come in with good numbers, some littering the trail.

They were all over the park.

Fewer Eastern Phoebes were present, or at least they were silent today in the cold.

More sparrows were present at the tennis court area, as well as the continuing Vesper Sparrow.

Lots of Pine Siskins are at feeders right now.

The week will still remain cold, but hopefully next weekend will be warm and with many newly-arrived birds.

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