At the causeway outside Rondeau Park, I noticed quite a few ducks in the creek. Included was a pair of Blue-winged Teal (my first of year). Several have come in the last few days.
Within the park, I saw the first Eastern Phoebe of the day at the spicebush trail parking lot. However, it was lying on road, dead. I checked it out and the body was still warm, so whatever happened to it was very recent.
My first walk was along south point trail. Lots of Golden-crowned Kinglets were along the trail as expected at this date. The lake was fairly active and I spent some time watching. One good vantage point is the foundation of an old vault toilet that stands out prominently.
Along the lakeshore, I found several newly-arrived Eastern Phoebes working the shoreline. I counted at least eight, but there could have been ten as they moved around.
One of the resident Bald Eagles was having fun along the shoreline.
Later, I walked tulip tree trail just for the heck of it. Soon we will have a Louisiana Waterthrush somewhere along the sloughs.
PAW's favourite TTT scene |
I met up with Steve Charbonneau, and we walked the campground. Nothing special was there but my FOY Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at the north end. I missed one on south point earlier.

Over at Erieau, I tried for the Harlequin pair. After some time, I finally spotted them far out off Rondeau's south beach. I saw a couple of ducks with my bins that I thought were the Harlequins, but had to get out the scope to make sure.
Double-crested Cormorants are now showing up, and a single was off the pier today.
McGeachy Pond was full of ducks and a few Horned Grebes were out on the lake. One can only hope for a Red-necked or even a Western!
I saw three Snowy Owls today--one off Erieau Road and two down Lagoon Road.
Blenheim Lagoons was full of ducks--too many to try and count! Northern Shovelers were numerous with around 200 of them. Some teal were there as well.
I even checked Ridgetown Lagoons, but could not find the Greater White-fronted Geese. However, they showed up about an hour later.....apparently!
This evening, I went for a walk at Peers Wetland, Wallaceburg. It was fairly productive with several ducks, a Wilson's Snipe, Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, 3 Eastern Phoebes, etc.
That upturned tree root really stands out this time of year. It won't be long before the PROWs will be back, picking off some of that moss for their nest, I hope!