Saturday, November 29, 2014

More Snowy Owls and Pelee Birds

It turned out to be a nice day weather-wise.  Since I did not take my annual trip to Niagara Falls this weekend, I went down to Point Pelee. Not many gulls have been reported at Niagara yet, so I took a chance on birding this area.  Maybe later to Niagara when things pick up.

On my way to Pelee, I encountered a Snowy Owl at the corner of Maple and Jacob the dark!  Recently, a few have been reported in the old Dover Township, but it was neat to get one in the dark.

Point Pelee had hardly any visitors today, and certainly no LLB's (!).  I did a Tip watch for almost two hours.  Dan Greenham joined me for the first hour, but I had a whole hour to myself.  There was a fair bit of activity, but nothing unusual.  Only 2 Common Loons and a few Horned Grebes among the ducks and few gulls.

A fair number of White-winged Scoters went by this morning as well a some Surf Scoters.

After the watch I walked up to Sparrow Field and over to west beach trail and back to the parking lot.  It was quite pleasant walking around today.  Not many landbirds in the Tip area though, but I did flush up an American Woodcock near the famed serengeti tree.

Next walk was Shuster Trail. A few White-throated Sparrows were along the way plus a Carolina and Winter Wren.  Also a Ruby -crowned Kinglet.

On the beach at the east end was a lone Killdeer.  That was it for shorebirds today!

I checked out De Laurier as well.  More White-throated Sparrows and a Ruby kinglet.  Again, rather quiet.

Just for fun I went over to NW Beach area.  In the old parking lot area, I flushed up a sparrow which turned out to be a Lincoln's.  I had good looks as it perched briefly, but was unable to get a photo of it.  Probably the latest I have seen one.  It was associating with a Field Sparrow which was more co-operative.

In the Blue Heron area, a good-sized flock of Cedar Waxwings and American Robins was there.  I spent quite a bit of time sorting through them, but nothing of note was found.

Along the road I spotted a Rusty Blackbird.

Not a Brewer's Blackbird

Strangely, no warblers today.  Even the Yellow-rumped must be scarce there.  Some always winter in the park though.

Out of the park,, I came across a Snowy Owl south of the cement block road.  It was way out in the field, but later, Dwayne Murphy got a better photo.

I skipped Wheatley this time and headed up to Tilbury.  Along the way, a Golden Eagle was soaring over Road 37.

Earlier, Deryl Nethercott reported 4 Snowy Owls in Dover plus another closer to Wallaceburg.  I found 3 of them on the way home, but they were way out as they usually are.

Up to 1000 Tundra Swans were scattered about in the corn fields, but I saw very few geese.  Recently, a couple of Ross's Geese have been reported though.

There were lots of geese off Mitchell's Bay when I stopped for a look, but I could not see anything different.  Could have been a distant Snowy Owl, but he shimmer made it impossible to be certain.

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