Saturday, August 2, 2014

Middlesex Meanderings: Milbert's to Moths

I decided to check out the west part of Middlesex County today for a change in scenery.  I started at Joany's Woods north of Sylvan but that did not work out too well.  Too many mosquitoes, deer flies, and it was damp!  Perhaps it was too early in the day.
Many birds have left it seems, and other insects were few.  I did see one of the 'cruisers'.  Maybe it was just a Royal River, but it did not stop for any length of time.
I flushed out a Great-horned Owl, but it was definitely not a Barred!  The winter of 2012-13 saw a Barred Owl take up residence here.

Great-spangled Fritillary at Joany's

I headed down to Strathroy for a walk around the lagoons.  Like many this year, water is very high.  No chance of shorebirds!
I was delighted to see several Milbert's Tortoiseshells.

They can be plentiful in certain locales, but I have never seen them anywhere near Wallaceburg.  One of the prettier butterflies.

Other butterflies included Common Ringlets, Viceroys, Least Skippers and Red-spotted Purples.

Not far from the lagoons is Clark Wright CA.  It is a nice little spot to see a variety of wildlife.  A White-eyed Vireo has nested here the last couple of years, and I heard it upon first arriving.
Some butterflies can be found here including more Milbert's Tortoiseshells.

Recently I read on the Mogg Blog that some American Coppers are here.  Sometimes these can be difficult to find.  Luckily I found one along the trail.  The only one I have seen this year so far!

The only other place I recall seeing them in SW Ontario is Ojibway!

While in Middlesex, I decided to hear south and check out Wardsville Woods.  It can be good for butterflies at time.  Today they were scarce, but I did see 15 species.  Included was this American Painted-Lady.

I briefly went through Skunk's Misery and walked one trail.  The Chestnut-sided Warblers have dispersed as well as other birds.  It would have been a better walk if the sun was out, but afterall it is the weekend.

Several Ichneumon Wasps were along that trail.  I recall seeing one of these in the yard when I was young and had no idea what it was until I looked it up. One I will always remember!

With Wild Burgemot out all over now, Snowberry Clearwings and Hummingbird Clearwings were quite happy.  They are unique moths that look like hummingbirds!

Hummingbird Clearwing

1 comment:

  1. Blake--that's one weird wasp !!
    I have seen them, but never bothered to ID.
    Do they sting humans ?
